Today I Cried

Dear Beloved,


Today I cried and it resonated with the universe.

I would normally try to take notes and either release them intermittently or as part of a subsequent Sermon, but this time… This time it is different. See. we find it so easy to hold ourselves back. To convince ourselves that we are . . . → Read More: Today I Cried

Immediate Family

The OFF THE TOP Family (of Radio Shows and Websites) brings together a collection of some of Hip Hop’s greatest minds.


Friday nights at 6:30:

Its been said that to know the future you must understand the past. Each week join us as we celebrate that rich heritage. Songs that were sampled for Hip . . . → Read More: Immediate Family


. . . → Read More: DJ TR 1

Tom Ross

. . . → Read More: Tom Ross

Mumia Abu-Jamal


. . . → Read More: Mumia Abu-Jamal

Rev Curry


. . . → Read More: Rev Curry

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