By admin, on April 15th, 2011% One of the mighty spin-offs of the original OFF THE TOP show, the Snipe Tape Series gives you a taste of what happened on last week’s OFF THE TOP. A lot goes into an episode of OTTR and the Snipes may include any of it.
Call the WGBB Two Way Talk Lines (631-888-88-11) to find . . . → Read More: OFF THE TOP Snipe Tape
By admin, on April 15th, 2011% One of the mighty spin-offs from the original OFF THE TOP show, Extra is your chance to stay in tune with the events of the day and the Question of the Week from the perspectives of two of the Strong Eye’s legendary radio voices, Rev. Curry & Tom Ross.
Catch OTTRE live Sunday mornings at . . . → Read More: OFF THE TOP Extra
By admin, on April 15th, 2011% The original OFF THE TOP radio show started in April of 1998 as a one hour show that desired to give the youth guidance through Underground Rap music. In the time since we have welcomed guests from all corners of Hip Hop Kulture, some (including: Adisa Banjoko, Supa Nova Slom and AJ Woodson enjoyed the . . . → Read More: OFF THE TOP
By admin, on April 15th, 2011% To listen live you must have Windows Media Player.
If you do not have it and you are on a Windows PC click here.
Mac users click here.
By admin, on April 14th, 2011% OFF THE TOP Extra for the week of 040611
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